Fitbit Data → Open Humans

Use this app to add your Fitbit data to an Open Humans account.

Learn more by visiting:

How it works

  1. Click the "Log in via Open Humans" button
    This takes you to Open Humans.
  2. Log in or create an Open Humans account
    Upon completion, your fitbit data will be added to this account.
  3. Authorize this app in Open Humans
    This authorizes us to add data to your account.
  4. Return to this app
    Come back to the app so we can get your personalized fitbit data.
  5. Click the "connect Fitbit" button below
    This will redirect you to Fitbit to authorize so we can fetch Fitbit data to add to your account.
  6. Authorize with Fitbit
  7. Return and the app will add data.
    Demo data should be added to your Open Humans account. You'll be able to access & manage data here: